01635 529360
Stroke Support
Our Stroke Support is focused on maximising the recovery of stroke survivors. These photographs shows some of the group's regular activities - seated and bar exercises.
To be suitable for our Stroke Care Rehabilitation and Reablement Group, stroke survivors must meet certain criteria, have a visit from the Family Support Officer and have an assessment with the in-house Physiotherapist.
Wendy Gosden and Sarah Lander are our experienced Group Coordinators. We also have a team of dedicated Volunteers, coordinated by Sarah, who assist with activities.
Wendy and Sarah
We meet at Woolhampton Village Hall on Tuesdays, 10am to 2.30pm throughout the year with a few exceptions, generally at Christmas. The hall has generous parking and excellent access facilities.
Woolhampton Village Hall
We can offer:
- An initial review of the need in which goals for recovery are set.
- A physiotherapy programme according to those needs and goals.
- Cognitive exercises.
- Friendship and support
- Confidence building
- Social interaction.
- Recreation.
- Refreshment
“There is always someone to talk to who can understand the difficulties you have after a stroke”.
If you have had a stroke please talk to our Family Support Officer about our criteria for entry.
Periodically, we have special events and outdoor visits.
You might also be interested in ‘Stroke Odysseys’
This is a charity that achieves improvements in a Stroke survivor’s confidence, rehab and offers fellowship with other survivors through Performance Arts Workshops.